Deep down you are a Green Champion waiting to get going. You are passionate about climate action and sustainability at home and can see an opportunity to boost action at work.
So, what will I do?
You will help to promote sustainability initiatives in your workplace by engaging with other members of staff and acting as a point of contact for those wanting to take green action. Your role as Green Champion can develop both the environmental responsibility of your organisation, and your individual skills. It's a great way to meet new people and effect high-level change.
There might already be established Green Champions in your workplace or sustainability officer. Go and have a chat with them and say you want to get involved. Another workplace can be less formal.
What training is needed?
Anyone can be a Green Champion and no restrictions on the numbers. Most important is that you are passionate about the environment and want to have a positive impact in your workplace.
Give an example!
Years ago, at work I volunteered as a Green Liaison Officer (Green Champion) and started a campaign to bring in recycling into our workplace. I rounded up a group of volunteers and we did weekly audits of what was getting throw out. We categorised, weighed, and kept records. We discovered 90% of the waste was recyclable and shockingly ½ was plastic disposable water fountain cups.
When the results were presented to management, recycling was implemented across all the council buildings and plastic cups were banned.
Soon many originations must start implementing Environmental Social Governance (ESG) strategies. This is a great opportunity to get involved and there is a lot of information out there to get started.
Here's some great resources from Creative Carbon Scotland on what is needed to get going as a Green Champion.